decorative green abstract shape with words Amazing You Workshop introducing the workshops available from Lori Piper at Journey to Inner Joy


  • decorative silhouette of person on a rock in front of a sunset to represent the Amazing You Workshop from Journey to Inner Joy

    Amazing You Workshop

    The stress of trying to be everything to everyone can kill you!

    It is exhausting! It leaves you with no time or energy to focus on YOU. Then you get to a point in your life where all you can think is,

    “What happened to my dreams? When is it my turn to soar?”

    Does this sound like you?

    Are you sick of going home from work tired and wondering what happened to your life? Do you feel like you have lost your soul “workin’ for the man”?

  • Coming Soon!

    New workshop from Lori Piper coming soon! Join our mailing list to be the first to know!

  • Coming Soon!

    New workshop from Lori Piper coming soon! Join our mailing list to be the first to know!

Workshop Testimonials

The Amazing You” workshop has taught me techniques to help me control my stress and find balance in my life, making me a happier and healthier person!
— Karen S.
I felt so supported. Lori used her expertise to help me center both within the sessions, as well as help me use these skills outside of the sessions. I am grateful to her for her patience, knowledge, and loving presence.
— Mara S.
Working with Lori has been key to forming a warm light within myself during a time that has been filled with show-stopping change in this world. She is gracious, patient, kind and funny always!
— Nicole L.
Lori is one of those people whose light shines brightly as she exudes kindness and caring to everyone she meets. I am positive that working with her has hastened my progress. I have learned a lot from Lori and look forward to learning even more.
— Peggy