Open your heart, to TRULY see
I'd like to share a dream I had a while back. I had forgotten about it, but luckily I had written it down and when I stumbled upon this I realized the message was powerful for me, and I’m hoping this provides some insight for you as well.
In my dream I was at a company event where clients and workers gathered from all over the world. I was sitting in a cafe looking out at the street and I saw a good friend of mine (I'll call him Steve) and he was with his girlfriend from many, many years ago. (I'll call her Angie.) Steve loved Angie sooooo much, but many years ago she was in an accident and lost her eye sight. She couldn't handle losing her site and being dependent on others, so she broke up with Steve and became a recluse. We were all very sad about this because Angie had a big heart and lived her life to the fullest. No one could believe this amazing lady would seclude herself like this.
So now I’m thrilled to see Steve with Angie together again, and they are both glowing with joy. Angie looks a little unsure of herself, but I could still see her love for life had returned.
I was sitting at a counter where the windows are open to the street, so I shouted out to them to join me. Steve had to run some errands, but Angie gladly took me up on that offer.
To get to my table I had to meet Angie at the cafe’s front door and help her up 4 steps and then help her navigate through a crowded restaurant.
Going up the stairs was no issue, but going through the restaurant was a challenge because it was so crowded. I had to walk behind her because of the narrow isle way. As we navigated through the tables, I happened to capture a glimpse of a woman at one of the tables purposely sticking her foot out in front of Angie in order to trip her. I was so angry I wanted to scream. But from somewhere within, I was guided to simply say to this woman:
"She is blind in her eyes, but she sees clearly with her heart.
You can see clearly with your eyes, but are blind in your heart.
She is blessed, and you are the one with the handicap."
I have read that every dream is about the dreamer. People in the dream of the same sex as the dreamer represent your conscious self and those of the opposite sex represent your subconscious self, or your spiritual self.
In this case, Angie and the woman attempting to trip her, would represent me, and Steve would represent my subconscious or spiritual self.
This dream was reflecting how, as a kid, I had such a zest for life and loved having fun. And then in middle school, the social conditioning kicked in, and I thought it wasn’t normal to be so happy. In order to conform and “fit in”, I had to find things to complain about. I swear this is true.
It's no coincidence that in my dream we were at a work event because the work world taught me to work harder, multi-task and never let a moment go by where you are not doing something constructive. Never waste a moment! Unfortunately, such a life caused me to also forget how to live with enjoy life. I began to take the world too seriously, and I was becoming exhausted and angry trying to do it all.
In the dream, I see:
Angie as my conscious self when I was younger, loving life; and then later on, becoming a recluse when she lost her sight. To me the loss of sight is literally losing sight of what’s important in life: joy, family, friends, connections, etc.
Steve as my spiritual self, who I had abandoned at one point to survive the hustle and bustle of a corporate career. I was all business and in my logical brain; versus being in my heart or creative, sympathetic brain.
The woman in the cafe who tried to trip Angie, also represented my conscious self. My conscious self wanting to trip me up and wake me up from blindly going through life, and not taking time to actually live my life to the fullest.
When we are true to ourselves we become “blind” with our eyes, and yet we can see so clearly with our hearts. This is where we find our joy. It is always there.
While we remain wrapped up in the drama, fear and worry of this crazy world, we can see with our eyes, but become blind to what life’s really about: heart, connections, fun, love, family, etc. And I believe that type of “blindness” is truly a handicap.
It is with our eyes we judge and focus on drama.
It is with our hearts we see our soul.
Your joy is in your heart and soul, and it’s always there. The drama keeps you from realizing this.
Open your heart, to truly SEE, and make decisions from there.