decorative purple abstract shape with words Meditation and Reiki to introduce Lori Piper's mediation and reiki healing services at Journey to Inner Joy

Meditation +

decorative purple silhouette of a person sitting in lotus position above a lotus flower  on Lori Piper's mediation and reiki healing services page at Journey to Inner Joy

Connect with your inner wisdom with the Chopra Signature Primordial Sound Meditation!

We all want to be happy and joyful. What we don’t realize is there is always joy inside of us. We simply need to find that clarity to know what makes you happy. What makes others happy isn’t always what makes you happy, so stop living their dreams and start living yours!

A regular meditation practice benefits you in so many ways:

  • Increased compassion for yourself and others

  • Improved immunity/health

  • Improved digestion

  • Improved concentration, clarity and cognition

  • Reduced stress and anxiety

PLUS, you will receive your personal mantra that coincides with the vibration the Earth was making at the date, time and location of your birth, guiding you back to your unique true self.

Meditation Testimonials

It is so satisfying to be with another like-minded soul like Lori. She is so understanding and her presence is calming and reassuring. She has such an expanded and all-encompassing way of being that is so special and comforting.
— Jacqui B.
Working with Lori has been key to forming a warm light within myself during a time that has been filled with show-stopping change in this world. She is gracious, patient, kind and funny always!
— Nicole L.
decorative element of a purple abstract shape with a flower on Journey to Inner Joy's Meditation and Reiki Healing Services page
decorative element of blue diamonds on Journey to Inner Joy's Meditation and Reiki Healing Services page

Relax and Heal with Reiki

Reiki is a wonderful way to relax deeply and heal. Healing can be physical, emotional or physical, and often has components of all three.

Reiki is often referred to as energy healing, because as you are guided into deep relaxation energy blockages are opened, allowing energy to move more freely. When you are stressed, you tend to hold onto fear, which impedes healing.

As the client you can either lay down or sit in a chair, whatever is most comfortable for you. As the practitioner, I will guide you into a deeply relaxed state. These sessions can be in person or remote. (Yes, remote healing is real.)

Whether you are looking for healing or just some blissful peace, this practice is for you.

decorative element of purple gems, star, dots, and plant on Lori Piper's Journey to Inner Joy's Meditation and Reiki Healing Services page

Reiki Testimonials

Lori is one of those people whose light shines brightly as she exudes kindness and caring to everyone she meets. I am positive that working with her has hastened my progress. I have learned a lot from Lori and look forward to learning even more.
— Peggy
I don’t know what you did, Lori, but, “thank you.” My wife is so much happier.
— Husband of a client