Uncover your past conditioning
and live your best life yet!
The Journey to Inner Joy program will step you into the portal of self-truth by overcoming your "cycle of stuck". Bring the attention away from your head and into your heart and soul through the arts of Coaching, Meditation, and Reiki.
I’m Lori Pieper
your Inner Joy Coach
My mission is to help women who feel they have lost their soul. This feeling of dissatisfaction can come from saying, “yes” when you know you should be saying, “no”. Or maybe you are living a life others said you should live, instead of following your own personal passion.
As a (Deepak) Chopra certified total well-being coach, I will compassionately guide you to listen to the inner wisdom of your body to know what you need to thrive in your life. Your ego-brain will lie to you, but your body speaks the truth. Working with me, you will gain the clarity and courage needed to set appropriate boundaries at work and home, without fear or guilt.
I am also a Chopra certified: Meditation and Perfect Health: Ayurvedic Lifestyle instructor, as well as a Reiki Level III (Master) practitioner and 300-hour Yoga instructor.
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